
5 (often missed) Indicators That It Might Be Time to Change Your IT Support Provider

Chances are, if you are considering leaving your current IT Support Provider, it’s a long time coming (and you should probably listen to that nagging voice in your head…or the loud, angry one in your office!).

We’ve put together our top five indicators that it might be time for a change:

  1. When you hand their bill to your accounts department, you are braced for someone (or multiple people) to question the value.
  2. Your staff are reluctant to phone through issues, because it is sometimes more trouble than it’s worth.
  3. Every time you call them up, you’re dealing with a new member of staff, and your previous contact is long gone.
  4. Microsoft has changed their operating system three times since they last spoke to you.
  5. The same issues are cropping up time and time again, despite repeated assurances that they are fixed.

This list is partly tongue in cheek, but in truth, it really is no laughing matter – disruption to your business is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve when you employ an IT support partner. If you are struggling with lack of proactivity, recurring issues, failure to understand your business, security concerns, question marks over value or simple poor customer service, it’s time to up your standards! At Simple Honest Tech we pride ourselves on offering superb value for money, and are confident that we can provide the perfect solution to all your business IT requirements. We’d love to talk you through our approach, and discuss how we can provide you will a hassle free, budget friendly alternative to your current contract.