
Why Backup is Important

If you’ve ever experienced data loss at work, without a backup in place, then you can probably stop reading now. At best, the resulting chaos and time spent duplicating work can be laborious and frustrating as hell. At worst, failing to back up data regularly can result in enormous cost, and even the closure of your business. It’s a small habit to implement, but is absolutely business critical.

All this being said, 60% of small businesses still don’t back up daily, and many don’t do it at all! If you are backup-shy, the following article details some compelling reasons why you should rethink this.

Loss of Money:

A survey of IT leaders across 24 countries revealed that incidents of data loss rose by a massive 400% in the last two years, with a combined loss of $1.7 trillion dollars.

For small to medium sized businesses, it is easy to think that these big numbers wouldn’t apply, but in reality, even small data losses (fewer than 100 files) are estimated to potentially cost between £14,000-£28,000.

Natural Disasters:

With global warming threatening to cause a rise in freak weather conditions and natural disasters, this seemingly unlikely threat to business is more of a concern than you might think.

Worrying statistics from FEMA report that following natural disasters, 40% of businesses fail to reopen, and of those that do get back on their feet, 25% fail within the first year, and 90% have failed two years post event.

Regularly backing up your data means that should your business suffer such an event, you will be able to get back to business quickly, without the need to essentially start from scratch.


Ransomware security breaches are on the rise. Once hit with such malware, whole networks are instantly encrypted and a ransom is required to recover access to your businesses data.

A simple daily backup means that such situations are easily avoided, and your valuable data can simply be reinstalled, without incurring this cost.

In a nutshell, regular updates are probably the single most important action you can take to prevent a network disaster. Ensuring secure, clean data will keep your business on track in cases of hacking, natural disaster and data loss caused by data corruption or even simple human error.

Developing and implementing the right backup strategy for your business is critical. Simply Honest Tech can work with you to put in place a manageable, effective plan to keep your business running smoothly, so that you can focus on doing what do you best.