
Implementing and Managing a Digital Workplace

Multinational professional services network, Deloitte, identify Digital Workspace as “all the technologies people use to get work done in today’s workplace”. But what does this mean for your business and how can an effective Digital Workplace be implemented?

The reality is that each organisation is unique and therefore a digital workspace cannot be achieved via a ‘one size fits all’ model. There are specific considerations to be identified and a best-fit combination of technologies to most effectively meet the needs to the users in any organisation.

Major challenges include the plethora of available technologies and the use of these technologies, with employees frequently basing themselves both in the workplace, and at home. Stumbling blocks encountered during the development and implementation of a digital workspace can include user adoption, governance, proper alignment and document management. Critically, the end strategy must be user-centric, and optimally enable the alignment of business processes, technologies and employees.

Below we outline the steps businesses should aim to follow in order to achieve this end goal.

  1. Define your business objectives and strategy and establish how this can be aligned with your digital workspace.
  2. Identify the specific technology requirements of your employees, and how these can be optimally applied.
  3. Develop (or adapt) a Digital Workspace Implementation Strategy to best meet the identified needs of key users/ senior employees and obtain feedback from employees once a strategy has been drafted.
  4. Construct a communication plan and effectively share this vision with your senior team and key influencers. Select relevant technologies for subsequent implementation.

Whilst this is by no means a simple process, done right, the benefits are endless. An effective digital workplace can add significant value to your business and deliver a higher quality of service to your clients. Collaboration of employees is enhanced and employee experience is improved. (This benefit cannot be underestimated; 82% of millennials consider workplace technology to be a deciding factor when accepting a new job, and 42% said they would quit if technologies failed to meet their expectations). IT performance is improved, and efficiency increased, driving operational excellence. Overall, delivering a strategically well-aligned digital workplace will give your business a competitive advantage.

To find out how Simply Tech can work with you to deliver your optimal digital workplace, call XXXXX today.