
Beginners Guide To Cyber Security

Cyber threats are on the rise, and far from being immune to such security risks, many such criminals consider small businesses to be easy targets. Here we outline the main types that you should be aware of:

Brute Force or Password Attacks –

This form of attack involves the perpetrator attempting to gain access to the network, by using a programme to establish a viable password. The most simple ways of avoiding this form of attack are to avoid using a universal password, and to regularly change passwords as standard practice.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) –

This type of cyber attack is essentially a bombardment of the server, leading it to become overwhelmed as a result. The system slows significantly or even crashes completely, meaning that the system is unusable until these numerous interactions at the root of the problem are blocked or cancelled.

Phishing –

This technique utilises social media and email to dupe users into handing over sensitive information, company data or even downloading the entire content of their server. By implying that the communication is received via a trusted source (such as banks, or other account holding organisations) victims unwittingly provide access to your businesses secured network. It is worth noting that such types of communication are increasingly sophisticated in their approach, and even for tech savvy users, such scams are easier than you might imagine to fall victim to.

Malware –

If a download is initiated via a successful phishing attack, it is highly likely that the received programme is malicious. A well-known example is a Trojan virus – a form of malware which disguises itself as legitimate software, carrying out its intended purpose without the knowledge of the user. There are of course many different types of malware with a variety of intended actions, including manipulating the system’s code to spying on the user’s activity.

Ransomware –

This type of malware is amongst the most damaging and sophisticated cyber threats out there. Once opened, it is designed to lock down your system and encrypt the computer or server, until a ransom (often in the form of Bitcoin) is paid to release the device. Even if/ when the required sum is deposited, the hackers often don’t fulfil their side of the deal, meaning even more frustration, disruption and cost to the business.

Internet of Things (IoT)/ Algorithm Manipulation –

Increasingly, businesses have become dependent on IoT devices such as cloud-computable and wearable tech. The danger with this movement is that secure and sensitive data becomes more vulnerable. Furthermore, with automation making companies more reliant on algorithms to interpret and apply their data, the risk of these codes and systems being compromised is elevated, and without frequent monitoring and occasional human intervention, businesses are left wide open to this form of attack.

Cyber threats are undoubtably sophisticated, and the consequences of a cyber attack potentially catastrophic to small businesses. In essence, it presents a daunting prospect to organisations who are frequently unprepared for such attacks. Recruiting the assistance of an IT service provider with expertise in cyber security, such as Simply Tech Ltd, offers the most comprehensive and resource- friendly solution.